


In Stock & Ready to Ship

Ready-to-Ship fine jewelry gifts for the modern empowered individual. Inspired by sacred geometry and the principles of natural order, designed by John Brevard.


118 件产品


Frame Diamond and 18k Gold PendantFrame Diamond and 18k Gold Pendant - John Brevard
Frame Diamond and 18k Gold Pendant 促销价格$41,895.00
Tetra Star Ring in 18k White Gold and Gray DiamondsTetra Star Ring in 18k White Gold and Gray Diamonds - John Brevard
Rose Gold Star Tetra Diamond Ring - John BrevardRose Gold Star Tetra Diamond Ring - John Brevard
Rose Gold Star Tetra Diamond Ring 促销价格$40,000.00
Stellated Diamond 18k Gold PendantStellated Diamond 18k Gold Pendant - John Brevard
Stellated Diamond 18k Gold Pendant 促销价格$36,000.00
Helix Diamond Gold Pendant - John BrevardHelix Diamond Gold Pendant - John Brevard
Helix Diamond Gold Pendant 促销价格$33,000.00
Stellated Diamond Gold Dangle EarringsStellated Diamond Gold Dangle Earrings - John Brevard
FALSEIcoso Diamond and 18k Gold Dangle Earrings - John Brevard
Helix Frame "Eye of God" 18k Gold Ring with Center Diamond - John BrevardHelix Frame "Eye of God" 18k Gold Ring with Center Diamond - John Brevard
Web Frame Diamond and 18k Gold Ring - John BrevardWeb Frame Diamond and 18k Gold Ring - John Brevard
Frame Diamond Gold Dangle EarringFrame Diamond Gold Dangle Earring - John Brevard
Frame Diamond Gold Dangle Earring 促销价格$14,500.00
Stellated Star Diamond and 18k Gold Ring
Stellated Diamond Gold Flatback NecklaceStellated Diamond Gold Flatback Necklace - John Brevard
FALSEFabri Double Infinity Diamond Gold Ring - John Brevard
Fractality Diamond Cubes Gold RingFractality Diamond Cubes Gold Ring - John Brevard
Fractality Cubes Diamond White Gold RingFractality Cubes Diamond White Gold Ring
One of a Kind Large Icoso White Diamonds 18k Gold Ring - John BrevardOne of a Kind Large Icoso White Diamonds 18k Gold Ring - John Brevard
Torus 18K Gold RingTorus 18K Gold Ring
Torus 18K Gold Ring 促销价格$8,000.00
Helix Frame Diamond Gold Dangle Earrings - John BrevardFALSE
Trident 18K Gold RingTrident 18K Gold Ring
Trident 18K Gold Ring 促销价格$7,800.00
FALSEFramework Star Partial Diamond Pave Gold Ring - John Brevard
FALSEFlat Helix Frame Diamond Stud Gold Earrings - John Brevard
FALSETetra Diamond Gold Stud Earring - John Brevard
Tetra Diamond Gold Stud Earring 促销价格$6,000.00
Thimble RingStella Thimble Ring
Temple 18K Gold and Lava Stone BraceletTemple 18K Gold and Lava Stone Bracelet
Customizable Starlight Engagement RingCustomizable Starlight Engagement Ring - John Brevard
Framed Mini Diamond Gold Star RingFramed Mini Diamond Gold Star Ring - John Brevard
FALSEWebbed Black Diamond Silver Earrings - John Brevard
Icoso Blue Sapphire Silver Ring - John BrevardIcoso Blue Sapphire Silver Ring - John Brevard
Icoso Blue Sapphire Silver Ring 促销价格$5,000.00
Stella Thimble 18K Gold and Blackened RingStella Thimble 18K Gold and Blackened Ring
Sacred Band Thin Ring - John BrevardSacred Band Thin Ring - John Brevard
Sacred Band Thin Ring 促销价格$4,800.00
Customizable Sacred Band RingCustomizable Sacred Band Ring
Customizable Sacred Band Ring 促销价格$4,800.00
Fractality Cubes Ruby Stud Silver EarringsFractality Cubes Ruby Stud Silver Earrings - John Brevard
Stella Thimble Gold RingStella Thimble Gold Ring - John Brevard
Stella Thimble Gold Ring 促销价格$4,300.00
Stellated Stud Diamond and 18k Gold Earring - John BrevardStellated Stud Diamond and 18k Gold Earring - John Brevard
Helix Frame Diamond Gold Necklace - John BrevardHelix Frame Diamond Gold Necklace - John Brevard
Helix Frame Diamond Gold Necklace 促销价格$4,200.00
FALSETria Frame Diamond and 18k Gold Necklace - John Brevard
FALSETria Frame Diamond Gold Stud Earring - John Brevard
Orthofract 18K Band RingOrthofract 18K Band Ring
Orthofract 18K Band Ring 促销价格$3,600.00
FALSETetra Partial Pave Sapphire Silver Ring - John Brevard
FALSEWebbed Blue Sapphire Silver Earrings - John Brevard
Sterling Silver Web Dog Tag NecklaceSterling Silver Web Dog Tag Necklace
FALSEFramework Diamond 18k Gold Stud Earring - John Brevard
FALSEThorn Silver Cuff - John Brevard
Thorn Silver Cuff 促销价格$2,800.00
Fractality Ruby Cubes Silver RingFractality Ruby Cubes Silver Ring - John Brevard
Fractality Ruby Cubes Silver Ring 促销价格$2,750.00
FALSESnow Queen Diamond and 18k Gold Diamond Necklace - John Brevard
Snowflakes Honor Gold Necklace - John BrevardSnowflakes Honor Gold Necklace - John Brevard
Snowflakes Honor Gold Necklace 促销价格$2,000.00