


Metatron Blockchain Four Part Gold Ring


This Metatron Blockchain Four-Part Gold Ring embodies the intersection of technology and nature. A part of designer John Brevard’s Orthofract / Blockchain collection, this ring makes a statement. The Orthofract Blockchain collection features interlocking cubic forms– merging the form and formlessness. The pieces in this collection consist of interlocking, interwoven, and seemingly endless fractal and cubic geometries. Derived from the Greek word orthos (“straight, erect”), these rectilinear fractal pieces are the artistic representation of records (blocks) being linked together into a chain (blockchain). Like computer chips, this collection embodies the potential of technological growth, and, by extension, of our species.
Metatron Blockchain Four Part Gold Ring - John Brevard
Metatron Blockchain Four Part Gold Ring 促销价格¥40,669.00