Title: "The Unity of Dualities: Nonduality in Architecture and Sustain - John Brevard

%月 %日, %年 1 min read

In this engrossing TEDx talk, John Brevard maps out a new architectural frontier, drawing upon the ancient yet timeless wisdom of Nonduality. Brevard, an authority at the crossroads of art, design, and metaphysical philosophy, seizes the stage to argue that our built environments and the universe aren't separate—rather, they are intrinsically entwined.

Brevard's discourse reshapes the notions of architecture and design, making them converse with the profound doctrine of Nonduality—the understanding that perceives the universe and the self as an unbroken continuity. By erasing the line dividing human and nature, Brevard inspires us to see architecture not as a mere act of construction, but a process of symbiotic co-creation with the environment.

Our sustainability endeavors, Brevard asserts, should not stand in isolation. In the spirit of Nonduality, they should emerge organically from our design thinking. To Brevard, the pursuit of sustainability is not just about preserving what we have, but actively engaging in a cyclical process of regeneration.

Brevard’s talk is more than an elucidation—it is a manifesto, a bold invitation to architects and thinkers to dwell on the idea of Nonduality. It is a call to reimagine our future built environment not as separate edifices, but as an integrated, thriving part of our cosmos, engaged in a perpetual dance of growth and rejuvenation.




#TEDx #JohnBrevard #Nonduality #Architecture #SustainableDesign #RegenerativeDesign #Sustainability #UnifiedDesign

John Brevard
John Brevard



%月 %日, %年 3 min read

The blog for John Brevard.com outlines 30 principles derived from Wabi-Sabi, Feng Shui, and Vastu to create spaces that are aesthetically pleasing and energetically balanced. These principles emphasize the importance of embracing imperfection, harmonizing the five elements, maximizing natural light, and using calming colors. Organic materials and clutter-free environments enhance the tranquility and functionality of the space. Design elements like water features, natural shapes, and soft lighting contribute to a serene and inviting atmosphere. The guide also underscores the significance of maintaining privacy, promoting social interaction, and integrating natural elements like plants to improve air quality and add life energy. Ultimately, the goal is to create spaces that are not only beautiful but also offer a sanctuary for personal growth, reflection, and comfort, embodying the luxury and innovative spirit of John Brevard’s brand.
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Sacred spaces

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