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John Brevard Fabri Lifestyle Collection

The Fabri collection features fabric-like weaving landscapes which unite to become one. Fabri represents Love and Connection within us all.

Elevate your space today.

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상품 7개


Parametric Bed - John BrevardParametric Bed - John Brevard
Parametric Bed 할인 가격$68,000.00
FALSERed Teak Fabri Accent Chair - John Brevard
Red Teak Fabri Accent Chair 할인 가격$14,000.00
FALSEFractal Solid Teak Picnic Table & Bench - John Brevard
Customizable Solid Teak Fractal DeskCustomizable Solid Teak Fractal Desk - John Brevard
Customizable Solid Teak Fractal Desk 할인 가격$25,000.00
Brevard Parametric Chairsolid teak wood chair
Brevard Parametric Chair 할인 가격$18,000.00
FALSEFabri Chair - John Brevard
Fabri Chair 할인 가격$10,000.00
Infinity Rustic Silver Coffee TableInfinity Rustic Silver Coffee Table
Infinity Rustic Silver Coffee Table 할인 가격$60,000.00